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Student Organizations

Student Organizations

The department has many student organizations and honor societies on campus. Involvement in these groups enhances your educational experience and provides cooperation and fellowship with others who share your interests.

Eta Kappa Nu

Eta Kappa Nu is the International Electrical Engineering Honor Society, with more than 100,000 members and 194 chapters across the United States, Canada, and Europe.

To be eligible for induction, a student’s scholastic standing must be in the upper quarter of the junior class or the upper third of the senior class in electrical or computer engineering.

Faculty Sponsor: Nicole McFarlane,

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Hack4Impact is a chapter of the National Hack4Impact organization.

Hack4Impact is an organization that develops software for other nonprofits to help make a difference in the community. This organization is recruiting students to join our student organization to design and develop software. Students who join will gain useful software development skills such as UI/UX design, full-stack development, and communication all while making an impact.

Faculty Sponsor: Jian Huang,

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The mission of HackUTK is to promote student interest in the fields of computer and network security through participation in and sponsorship of Capture the Flag competitions and related activities that inspire, develop, and empower the future generation of computer scientists.

Faculty Sponsor: Scott Ruoti,

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Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

The student chapter of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, “eye-triple-E”) is a professional society seeking to involve students enrolled in the study of electrical and computer engineering at UT.

Faculty Sponsor: Daniel Costinett,

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Machine Learning Student Organization

The Machine Learning Student Organization (UTKML) is a student driven organization focused on machine learning. We believe in the value of interdisciplinary collaboration between people of diverse backgrounds. Whether you have never written a line of code or have been on the cutting edge of neural network research since before the great AI winter, you have a place with us!

Faculty Sponsor: Amir Sadovnik,

Systers: Women in EECS @UTK

The mission of Systers: Women in EECS @UTK is to recruit, mentor, and retain women in electrical engineering and computer science at UT.

Faculty Sponsor: Catherine Schuman,

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Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi’s collegiate chapters elect members who have distinguished themselves with outstanding scholarship and character.

Faculty Sponsor: Kevin Kit,

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The University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club

Founded in 1947, UTARC is for anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio: students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Members participate in contests, foxhunts (hidden transmitter hunts), emergency communications, disaster relief education, the National Traffic System (radiogram) message service, satellite and Space Station communications, field expeditions, and community service. Members have fun through this enriching and enjoyable hobby.

Advisor: Bobbie Williams,

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VolHacks is UT’s premier student hackathon that brings students from near and far together for an action packed 36 hours of hacking. Students who attend the hackathon develop any software or hardware project their minds can dream up. The event is free for all students to attend and is hosted in the fall of each year.

Faculty Sponsor: Michael Jantz,

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